Research Note

Community awareness and perception of smoking ban at eateries in Pedas, Negeri Sembilan

Authors: Wei Fern Siew, Davasooria Selvamani, Umais Memon, Xiaoxuan Liu, Sze Shian Wee.


Malaysia has enforced a nationwide smoking ban to the public at all eateries on the 1st of January 2019. A survey on the awareness and perception towards this ban among adults was carried out in Pedas, Negeri Sembilan. Preliminary findings were assuring. A total of 91.3% (n = 347, N = 380) of the respondents were aware of this ban. Among the respondents, a low percentage of them were smokers, 29.2% (n = 111). A median of 285.5 respondents (75.1%, IQR = 58.25), including the smokers, perceived that this ban brings about health benefits to self and their family when environmental tobacco smoke exposure is curbed.

Keywords: passive smoking; smoke exposure; legislation; adults; rural area.

Citation: IeJSME 2019 13(2): 27-31