About the Journal

Overview of
Journal Portal

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education (IeJSME) is a tri-annual journal (April, August, December). It is established by the IMU University, Malaysia, with the intention to provide a forum for disseminating quality articles of important scientific merit to the international research community on the three areas of Basic Science, Clinical Science (including Healthcare Quality and Service Research) and, Medical Education Research.

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education (IeJSME) publishes fully open access articles, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.

Mission and Vision

To provide a forum for disseminating knowledge of important scientific merit to the international research community in the area of Medical and Health Sciences.

In alignment with IMU’s holistic approach to embrace the ONE HEALTH concept, IeJSME is accepting submissions of research articles in the following scopes: (i) basic and clinical sciences related to human and animal health, (ii) medical education, and (iii) health economics.

Article Processing Charge

All articles published in the IeJSME are fully open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication.

Author(s) do not need to pay any kind of fee and the accepted article will be published free of charge. There is no submission or any other kind of fee for the article submitted to this journal.

Digital Archiving Policy

All of our published content is freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license and is achieved in Content Management System (CMS) hosted in exabytes. The access to the websites is encrypted by Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Revenue sources

Author fee and subscription fee are not a source of revenue for IeJSME.
We do not make any revenue from reprints because all articles are free of charge and electronic only.

Marketing Policy

Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the publisher and journal, shall be appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about the publisher or journal is expected to be truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.

Advertising Policy

We currently do not accept any advertising on our site. However, we may publish the valuable academic information free of charge.

Latest Issue

Information and communication technology (ICT) in education has taken the world by storm facilitating learning to occur anywhere and at any time. Mobile learning (mL) has evolved as complementary to e-Learning (eL), rapidly becoming a viable option, revolutionizing distance and distributed learning.

Online Open-Access
Electronic Publications

International E-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education (IeJSME) is established by the International Medical University, Malaysia to provide a forum for disseminating quality articles of important scientific merit to the international research community on the three area of Basic Science, Clinical Science and Medical Education Research. The IeJSME is a tri-annual journal.


International eJournal of Science Medicine and Education (IeJSME) publishes fully open access articles, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.

We welcome submission of

  • Original articles of primary research conducted.
  • Review articles that offer in-depth discussion on matters of recent topical concerns.
  • Research Notes, a special section dedicated to (A) publication of preliminary observations of scientific importance, and (B) publishing research findings of undergraduate healthcare students (e.g. medical, nursing, pharmacy and dental students) with the view to encouraging research thinking and culture.
  • Correspondence that comments on published articles in IeJSME for the purpose of this journal, and only Case Reports of exceptional merit are considered for publication.

Topic of Issues

Level of emotional intelligence among nurses

Authors: Chang Angelna, Yung Wei Lai, Swee Geok Lim ABSTRACT Background: Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the comprehension, use and the management of one’s emotions in a positive manner to reduce stress, communicate efficiently, empathise with others, overcome challenges, and resolve conflicts. EI is important among nurses as it influences their decision making abilities, […]

Level of emotional intelligence among nurses

Authors: Chang Angelna, Yung Wei Lai, Swee Geok Lim ABSTRACT Background: Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the comprehension, use and the management of one’s emotions in a positive manner to reduce stress, communicate efficiently, empathise with others, overcome challenges, and resolve conflicts. EI is important among nurses as it influences their decision making abilities, […]

Predictive parameters of potential COVID-19 without epidemiological clues and management strategy in resources limited setting

Authors: Kok Wei Poh, Pei Wen Tan, Ji Yin Wong, Cheng Huong Ngan, Yin Jie Ng, Raymund Dass, Tiang Koi Ng. ABSTRACT Background Managing potential COVID-19 patients is challenging when resources were limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate the predictive parameters and management strategy for potential COVID-19 cases who are without contact […]

Knowledge and attitude towards end of life care among nursing students in a private nursing college, Penang

Authors: Swee Geok Lim, Ching Nguk Ngieng, Xie Yen Tan. ABSTRACT Background: End of life (EOL) care is a holistic approach for patients and their families, that involves physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs. There are approximately 80,000 Malaysians requiring EOL care annually but only 2,000 patients have access to the service. Despite an increasing […]

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