In Search Of Malaysia: Pubmed, Google Scholar Or Scopus?

Posted Posted in Review Articles

Author: Cheong Lieng Teng ABSTRACT In this review article, the author illustrates the advanced searches for “Malaysian” health and life sciences publications. Examples of searching are made on PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus. The strengths and weaknesses of these services are compared. Keywords: Literature search, PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, database. Citation: IeJSME 2008: 2 (2): […]

Prevailing Practice Versus Clinical Guideline: The In-Patient Assessment And Management Of Childhood Bronchopneumonia In A Malaysian District Hospital

Posted Posted in Original Article

Authors: Jacynta Jayaram, Nai Ming Lai, Kin Wai Foong, Sit Zaleha Mohammad Salleh. ABSTRACT Introduction: Pneumonia is the most common diagnosis made in hospitalised children. The Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines on pneumonia and respiratory tract infections provides a comprehensive guidance in the local context. We evaluated the documented assessment and management of children diagnosed with […]

Tuberculosis-HIV Coinfection: The Relationship Between Manifestation Of Tuberculosis And The Degree Of Immunosuppression (CD4 Counts)

Posted Posted in Original Article

Authors: C K Ong, W C Tan, K N Leong, A R Muttalif. ABSTRACT The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) is currently increasing. HIV induced immuno-suppression modifies the clinical presentation of TB. Our aim is to determine the differences in clinical presentation of HIV-TB co-infection based on their CD4 counts. This retrospective study looked at cases […]