Assessment Of Basic Practical Skills In An Undergraduate Medical Curriculum

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Authors: Sambandam Elango, Ramesh C Jutti, Palayan Kandasami, Cheong Lieng Teng, Li Cher Loh, Tirathram Motilal.


Introduction: Health educators and accrediting bodies have defined objectives and competencies that medical students need to acquire to become a safe doctor. There is no report in Malaysia, about the ability of medical students to perform some of the basic surgical skills before entering the houseman ship. The aim of this study is to determine whether the teaching/ learning methods of practical skills in our undergraduate program have been effective in imparting the desired level of competencies in these skills.

Methods: A list of basic practical skills that students should be competent has been identified. These skills are taught in a structured way and assessed as part of the composite end-of-semester examination. Practical skills stations form part of an Objective structured practical examination (OSPE).

Results: The results of 244 students who participated in three ends of semester examinations were analyzed. The mean score for the practical skills stations were higher than the mean OSPE (of all 18 stations) and overall score (of the written, practical and clinical examination). However the failure rate in the practical skills stations is higher in most of the stations (7 out of 8 stations) compared to overall failure rates.

Conclusions: In spite of the formal skills training many students failed to demonstrate the desired level of competencies in these stations. Assessment of practical skills as part of overall composite examination may not be effective in ensuring that all students have achieved the required level of competency. Practical skills should be assessed through dedicated formative assessments to make sure that all the students acquire the required competencies.

Keywords: clinical competence, practical skills, assessment.

Citation: IeJSME 2007: 1 (1): 41-45


Ethnic Differences and Motivation Based on Maslow’s Theory at a Medical University

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Author: Jagmohni Kaur Sidhu


Introduction: Motivation in Malaysia is to a large extent influenced by the value system amongst all Malaysians. Being able to motivate employees is one of the important keys to the success of the organization. In this paper, an attempt was made to look into the needs of employees in organizations and in particular, the needs based on Maslow’s theory on motivation.

Subjects and Methods: Employees which consisted of both academic and administrative employees of the International Medical University (IMU) were surveyed using a standard questionnaire. The aim of this study was to compare which levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory had been fulfilled and which needs were yet to be fulfilled in the different ethnic groups at IMU.

Results: Amongst the males, the Chinese and Indian ethnic groups placed most emphasis on the esteem needs and on self-actualization needs. The Malay males gave importance to Safety needs. Amongst the female ethnic groups, all three groups placed most importance on the esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The Chinese females scored the lowest for the Basic needs compared to the Malay and Indian females. The Indian females scored the lowest for Social needs.

Conclusion: Organisations should play an important role in the motivation of employees. Human resource development is an integral part in the development of its employees.

Keywords: Maslow, motivation, ethnic, medical, university.

Citation: IeJSME 2007: 1 (1): 46-51


Effect of Stress on Medical Students

Posted Posted in Research Note

Author: Jagmohni Kaur Sidhu


Stress amongst medical students is often overlooked. Intelligent students are not always the most composed. This study aimed to look at both male and female students of three different ethnic groups and the effects of stress in areas such as academic, social, financial and their everyday life. The Chinese students reported significantly less “academic stress” than the Malay students, and the Malay students reported significantly less “financial stress” compared to the Chinese and Indian students. Medical education can be a health hazard for medical students.

Keywords: stress, medical students, ethnic.

Citation: IeJSME 2007: 1 (1): 52-53