Original Article

Perceived competence of physical examination skills among the registered nurses in a selected private hospital in Malaysia

Authors: Wei Fern Siew, Yen Ling Wong, Sheau Wei Lee.


Background: Physical examination in nursing practice is a systematic process of checking patients from head to toe using inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation techniques. This is part of a process to assist nurses in determining nursing diagnoses for patients’ care needs. A trained nurse with competent assessment skills can monitor treatment outcome and rapidly detect early signs of deterioration in patients.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived personal competence, the frequency of use of physical examination techniques, the factors that influenced physical examination practices and to identify training needs on physical examination skills among the registered nurses (RNs) in a selected private hospital in Malaysia.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. A self-reporting questionnaire was adapted with permission and pilot tested to ensure its suitability for use in this local study. A total of 154 registered nurses (RNs) from various clinical areas responded to this survey.

Results: The regularly used physical examination techniques by the RNs were mostly inspection and vital signs assessment. The frequency of physical examination skills used was higher among RNs with 4-5 years of working experience. Lack of time, role boundaries/scope of practice and ward culture were some of the factors identified that influenced nurses’ physical examination practices. Physical examinations of the cardiovascular, neurological and respiratory systems were the top three skills asserted as training needs by the RNs.

Conclusions: Inspection technique and vital signs checking are commonly practiced at ease by the RNs, but they perceived that they were least competent with palpation, percussion and auscultation techniques. Physical examination training is vital to ensure that the RNs keep their skills current in their nursing practice.

Keywords: Health assessment, perceived competency, influencing factors, training needs.

Citation: IeJSME 2020 14 (2): 26-37

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56026/imu.14.2.26