Original Article

Descriptive analysis of international deportations caused by irresponsible traveller behaviour

Authors: Ryan M Mangan, Gerard T Flaherty.


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic focused public attention on the importance of responsible
tourism. The purpose of this study was to characterise irresponsible tourist behaviour leading to deportation from the destination country.

Methods: A web-based search of media reports relating to deportations of tourists was conducted.

Results: The most common reasons for deportation were related to indecent exposure or physical damage to sacred monuments and violations of COVID-19-related national public health rules. Other incidents resulted from social media posts and breach of environmental regulations.

Conclusions: The results of this study may inform future research efforts and targeted public awareness campaigns.

Keywords: responsible travel; deportation; COVID-19; cultural sensitivity; sustainable travel

Citations: IeJSME 2022 16 (3): 07-11

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56026/imu.16.3.7