Research Note

COVID-19: Health information seeking and adherence to safe practices in Malaysia

Authors: Wei Fern Siew, Shawn Paul Fredrick, Nathan Yung Jiun Liew, Qiu Yii Kong, Nur Syahirah Yuan, Nurafyfa Abdul Halim.


The coronavirus disease has spared no country and has galvanised the general population into altering their behaviours amid fears of uncertainties. A survey on health information seeking and adherence to safe practices during this pandemic among the public was carried out in Malaysia. An assuring number of 96% of respondents (n= 412, N = 429) actively sought health information regarding COVID-19. Unfortunately, more than half of the respondents (n=242, 58.7%) had difficulties verifying the accuracy of the sourced information. There were differences between the sociodemographic factors and adherence to safe practices where it was identified that males, young-aged respondents, and the Malay ethnicity were less adherent to safe practices as compared to other groups.

Keywords: Coronavirus, safety measures, information needs, health literacy.

Citation: IeJSME 2021 15 (2): 29-34